NEW ARRIVALS. Collected works by lecturers of ChNUT

Berdnik, I. V. (2019). Kryminalno-pravova okhorona vodnykh resursiv: teoretychni ta prykladni zasady [Criminal law protection of water resources: theoretical and applied principles]. Kyiv : Dakor.

The monograph provides a comprehensive study of the theoretical and applied foundations of the criminal protection of water resources, proposes changes to legislative acts aimed at ensuring the integrity of the criminal legal protection of water resources. Particular attention is paid to water resources as an object of criminal protection, the criminal-law aspects of the mechanism of harming water resources, the historical and comparative-legal aspects of criminal responsibility for encroachment on water resources, the composition of these crimes are analyzed. In addition, the issues of qualification of crimes affecting water resources and their delimitation among themselves, as well as with other offenses are investigated. Measures of a criminal nature for crimes affecting water resources are considered, analysis of the court practice of application of the law on criminal liability in the sphere of water resources protection is carried out.

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