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New Arrivals. Proceedings of ChNTU teachers

Cornoz, N. Є. Review of court decisions as a form of judicial protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of individuals: навчальний посібник / textbook / N. E. Kernoz. - Edition. 3rd ed., Proces. - Chernigov: RVV ChNUT, 2018. - 133 p.

The manual is an attempt to popularize the contents of the three fundamental procedural laws of Ukraine: the Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine, the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of Ukraine on the interdisciplinary legal institute "Judicial Review", as well as the new procedure for applying to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with a constitutional complaint and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). It is designed for a wide range of readers who are interested in the procedure for conducting legal proceedings in economic, civil, administrative cases when reviewing judicial decisions in Ukraine and the ECHR.

Korm, OM General and agricultural entomology with the basics of applied zoology: textbook / O. M. Korma. - Chernigov: RVV ChNUT, 2018. - 501 p.

The manual examines morphology, anatomy, biology of reproduction and development, ecology and taxonomy of insects, mites, nematodes and rodents, which harm agricultural crops. In a special section, the diagnostic features, the distribution within Ukraine of the most important pest species of these groups of animals, data on their biology, ecology and severity are presented. These methods of combating pests of crops.

Yushchenko, N. L. Economical-mathematical methods and models: the head of the village / N. Yushchenko. - Chernigov: RVV ChNUT, 2017. - 469 р.

The manual examines models and methods for making informed decisions with economic processes. The manual is designed primarily for applicants of higher education in the field of knowledge 05 "Economics", 07 "Management and administration" and the goal is to familiarize students of higher education institutions, scientific and pedagogical workers and individuals who, in their work, solve the tasks of business planning commercial activity and production and in the process of state regulation of economic development, with the opening up in the case of specific and targeted use of economic and mathematical tools development and support of managerial decisions for increasing efficiency in all spheres of public life in connection with the accelerated introduction by business entities of modern information and communication technologies and solutions for the creation of information resources and the practical application of electronic technologies in order to enhance their competitive advantages.

More information: New contributions of scientists from the Chelyabinsk National Technical University to the library fund.

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