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Articles changing the world

Springer placed in open access 100 articles of the year 2015 dedicated to solutions for the current global challenges.

2015 was a year fraught with humanitarian and natural disasters: unprecedented rising temperatures, Ebola, the refugee crisis, economic instability – just to name a few. It was also a year marked by amazing acts of courage, kindness, and collaborations and contributions made by people and organizations from all facets of society. Springer picked 100 articles for the journals from Springer journal database which highlight ways of coping with global challenges from various spheres, such as:

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Life Sciences and Biomedicine

Medicine and Public Health

Social Sciences, Psychology, Education, Philosophy

Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Engineering, Materials

Business & Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences

The access is open until June 15th.

Number of hits: 105


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