

The scientific library prepared Savenko, A. A., Luzina, N. S. (2020). Natsionalnyi universytet «Chernihivska politekhnika»: istoriia ta suchasnist [Chernihiv Polytechnic National University: history and modernity]. Chernihiv : Naukova biblioteka NU «Chernihivska politekhnika» [in Ukrainian]. The bibliographic index "Chernihiv Polytechnic National University: History and Modernity" is a collection of...

NEW ARRIVALS. Collected works by lecturers of CPNU

Pinchuk, A.O. (2019). Derzhavne rehuliuvannia staloho rozvytku silskoho hospodarstva v umovakh transformatsii natsionalnoi ekonomiky: teoriia, metodolohiia ta praktyka [State regulation of sustainable development of agriculture in the conditions of transformation of national economy: theory, methodology and practice]. Chernihiv: RVV ChNTU The monograph highlights the current problems of state regulation of sustainable development of agriculture in Ukraine...


 Collected works by lecturers of ChNUT Derii, Zh. V., Zosymenko, T. I., Minina, O. V., Shadura-Nykyporets, N. T. (2019). Politychna ekonomiia [Political Economy]. Chernihiv: RVV ChNTU.  The manual in accordance with the structure of the course highlights the theoretical and methodological aspects of political economy as a coherent system of multiple content components, which are simultaneously separate and interconnected...


5 октября состоялась персональная выставка акварельной живописи и графики нашего соотечественника Павленко Владимира Владимировича, народного архитектора Украины, лауреата Государственной премии Украины в области архитектуры, доцента кафедры архитектуры и экологического дизайна. Владимир Владимирович Павленко родился 14 мая 1946 года в селе Новый Быков Бобровицкого района Черниговской области. После окончания школы пробовал себя художником-графиком, а позже поступил на архитектурный факультет Киевского инженерно-строительного института...

New issue of “BIBLIOCURIER” was released

The Scientific Library of ChNUT produces a regional professional publication - the Newsletter " BIBLIOCURIER " The new issue of our newsletter contains information on periodicals pre-paid for 2020....


We invite everyone to opening of a personal exhibition of painting by Chernihiv artist Pavlenko Oleksandr Vasylovych, a participant of regional, all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions. O.V. Pavlenko's works are stored in the Chernihiv Art Museum, as well as in other museums and private collections in Ukraine and abroad in 23 countries. The exhibition will feature around 40 canvases of the artist, as well as copies of graphic works painted during his military service in Afghanistan...

Calendar of significant and memorable dates. February 25

Lesya Ukrainka, a prominent poet, writer, translator, fierce patriot, pride and beauty of the Ukrainian nation was born on this day (February 25, 1871 - August 1, 1913). Her name is still in a blaze of people's love today. She was a man of exceptional courage and principle, spiritual beauty and artistic talent. Her talent was manifested in many varieties of literary work - poetry, dramaturgy, prose, literary criticism and journalism, translation work and folklore...

NEW ARRIVALS. Collected works by lecturers of ChNUT

Berdnik, I. V. (2019). Kryminalno-pravova okhorona vodnykh resursiv: teoretychni ta prykladni zasady [Criminal law protection of water resources: theoretical and applied principles]. Kyiv : Dakor. The monograph provides a comprehensive study of the theoretical and applied foundations of the criminal protection of water resources, proposes changes to legislative acts aimed at ensuring the integrity of the criminal legal protection of water resources...


a meeting with the science fiction writer Max Strix will take place in the library. He has a historical and seminary education. He spent more than 10 years in Latin America. He worked as a national director of an international university, a lecturer in philosophy and religious studies. He lived in the Amazon rainforest, among the Native American tribes, and in the Andean highlands. He has traveled extensively across the North America and the Caribbean...

Calendar of significant and memorable dates. February 15

Galileo Galilei was born on this day (February 15, 1564 - January 8, 1642) - an Italian Renaissance physicist, astronomer, mathematician, poet and literary critic, founder of classical mechanics, one of the founders of modern experimental-theoretical natural science. We offer a bibliographic review of the literature " Representatives of the scientific elite ", dedicated to a prominent scientist....