NEW ARRIVALS. Collected works by lecturers of CPNU

Pinchuk, A.O. (2019). Derzhavne rehuliuvannia staloho rozvytku silskoho hospodarstva v umovakh transformatsii natsionalnoi ekonomiky: teoriia, metodolohiia ta praktyka [State regulation of sustainable development of agriculture in the conditions of transformation of national economy: theory, methodology and practice]. Chernihiv: RVV ChNTU

The monograph highlights the current problems of state regulation of sustainable development of agriculture in Ukraine. State regulation of agriculture is considered as a system of coordinated actions (directions, forms, methods, levers, tools) of public authorities in relation to their direct and indirect impact on innovation and investment processes in agriculture. The necessity to form the complex mechanism of the state regulation of sustainable development of agriculture in the conditions of transformation of national economy, which is based on author's principles (algorithmicity, interinstitutional complementarity, resilience, consumerism and digitalization) is substantiated. Considerable attention is paid to the complementary inter-institutional model of sustainable development of agriculture in Ukraine, which provides complementary interaction of all stakeholders and focuses on comprehensive regulation of production-economic and innovation-investment processes in agriculture. The concept of ensuring sustainable development of agriculture in Ukraine has been developed and the strategic and tactical priorities of its implementation have been substantiated. The necessity and prospects of introduction of Blockchain-technologies in the system of state regulation of sustainable development of agriculture in Ukraine are determined.

Romanova, A.A. (2018). Turystychna industriia: stratehiia rozvytku ta upravlinnia [Tourism industry: strategy of development and management]. Chernihiv: Brahynets O. V.

The monograph contains a scientific justification for the strategic management of the tourism industry. Theoretical-methodological bases of mechanisms of state regulation of development of tourist and recreational branch are defined. The world experience of strategic management in the field of tourism is studied. An analysis of methodological approaches to the management of the tourism industry in crisis conditions: unstable socio-economic situation, lack of budget funding, armed conflicts, reputational losses, etc. The main emphasis is placed on the expediency of improving the economic and legal mechanisms of strategic management in tourism and the use of anti-crisis technologies of state regulation of tourism and recreation in Ukraine. A number of practical recommendations for tourism entities have been made.

Sakun, O.S. (2019). Teoriia ta praktyka formuvannia investytsiinoho resursu natsionalnoi ekonomiky [Theory and practice of forming the investment resource of the national economy]. Chernihiv: RVV ChNTU

The monograph highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of the investment resource of the national economy. The necessity of formation of investment resource of structural modernization of Ukrainian economy is substantiated. The concept of formation and realization of investment resource of structural modernization of economy of Ukraine is developed.

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