Calendar of significant and memorable dates. January 8

This day marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of Vasyl Symonenko (January 8, 1935 - December 13, 1963), a Ukrainian poet and journalist, sixtier. More information

The library offers to read:

  • Symonenko, V. (2004). Tvory. T. 1. Poezii. Proza [Works. Vols. 1. Poetry. Prose]. H. P. Bilous, O. K. Lyshchenko (Eds.). Cherkasy: Brama-Ukraina.
  • Symonenko, V. (2004). Tvory. T. 2. Statti. Retsenzii. Narysy. Vystupy. Lysty. Avtohrafy. Dokumenty [Works. Vols. 2. Articles. Reviews. Essays. Speeches. Letters. Autographs. Documents]. H. V. Sukhovershko, et al. (Eds.). Cherkasy: Brama-Ukraina.
  • Symonenko, V. (2001). Bereh chekan [Shore of Waitings]. Kyiv: Naukova dumka.
  • Symonenko, V. A. (1990). Narod mii zavzhdy bude : virshi ta kazky : dlia serednoho ta starshoho shkilnoho viku [My people will always be: poems and fairy tales: for middle and senior school age]. Kyiv: Veselka.
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