E-archiv of ChUNT (Chernihiv National University of Technology)

Since 2015, the electronic archive of IRChNUT - an electronic archive of scientific and educational materials of the Chernihiv National Technological University that serves for the accumulation, systematization, storage of intellectual products created by university communities and provides with long-term, permanent and reliable free, open access to them by means of the Internet -services, distribution of these materials among the world scientific and educational society.

In 2017, the Electronic Journal of CNTU received its own international standard serial number ISSN 2415-363X, which means the international recognition of the University Electronic Archive as an informational resource and provides it with the status of an official electronic publication, where it is possible to place not only previously published documents, but also preprints. The electronic archive of the IRChNUT of Chernihiv National Technological University is presented in the Ukrainian Open Register (SSM), which indexes the metadata from the national electronic archives. For growth of citation and inclusion of scientists of our university in the world of information resources, the archive is registered in the international directories of Open Access Reports (ROORR), ROARMAR and OpenDOAR, in the powerful search engines BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Google Scholar.

Now, the repository fund has more than 8,000 documents.45834 users from all over the world applied for it.

The repository performs important functions for the university, including: integration into the world educational space, quantitative determination of the quality of scientific research, which will enhance the image of the university as a center of education and science.

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